Thursday, March 10, 2011

A little note about the Reasons to get over myself:

Reasons to get over myself: Think it's time to clarify something about these here 'Reasons...'
It's predictable for me to see that some of you have been confused, and for me to allow that, so I'll stop it now...
I thought up these reasons way back when I was feeling uncontrollably black hearted. I was a'yellin. I was a'screamin. I was a'fist waving. I was a'tazer buying. I was nothing more than a raving lunatic neanderthal. Uh huh. No joke artichoke. So given that I have the both wonderful and annoying ability to see myself from outside myself, I decided to stop it and return to my shiny, gracious, generous, nonjudgmental,  no yelling, barely any screaming and minor bird flipping, self. It was in that change, that Reasons was born. I needed to remind myself of the good stuff... It's really just a glorified and funny gratitude list... Except that 'Reasons To Get Over Myself' was a way better name. So I see my error here and decide that I should perhaps consider changing the title to something like…

Reasons to get over my blackhearted self.
Reasons to stop this incredibly childish, selfish, laughable behavior...
Reasons to not kill my neighbour that smokes in the hallway and to not buy that damn tazer.
Reasons to stop being such a jerk.

OR maybe I'll take some suggestions...
Hope this little memo clears it up for those of you nice enough to say, "WTF?"

Today's Reason to get over myself:

by Richelle Nantais on Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 7:47am
Reasons to get over myself: I watched "1000 ways to die" last night. It's wrong, I know for me to say, but so hilarious. One guy died huffing his own bung methane... two chicks making out on a dryer caused the gasline to come disconnected and blew themselves up and the last guy put pepper spray up his hershey highway to hide it from the po-po and it went off in there and yep... he died.
I thank the powers that be for brains.

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