Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reasons to get over myself: Okay, Nana, don't read this one....

Reasons to get over myself: Okay, Nana, don't read this one....

In my quest to be this polyamorous being, I have yet to be the harem keeper. I instead, have only managed to be one of the nameless, shrouded faced, anonymous and silent members OF the harem. First, my ego cannot take it, and 2. What number am I? and 3. If I had any foreshadowing skills at all, I would've seen this coming.
Can you picture me shrouded and silent?

Lemon drop martinis

When the world gives you lemons, make a lemon drop martini. When you don't know what to do, do the opposite of what you think you should, and make it about someone else who needs. When you fall, point at someone else, but get up while no one's looking. When you can't carry you, let the people who love you carry you for a bit, but make them dinner afterwards. I have a lot of dinners to make. Thank you everyone.