Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lost and Stolen Cell Phones... An App to save the day??

 Okay, in the last 4 months I have watched at least 4 people's lives stop suddenly, the moment they either lost their phone (this includes me) or their phones were stolen.

At first, I thought, " Okay that's it, I'm going back to memorizing everyone's phone number and I WILL NOT be so freaking dependent on this little wee computer that holds my life." Uh huh, this from a person who can't remember why she's in a room, but is going to memorize all clients and contact phone numbers. Realizing my ridiculousness, I have been thinking of a solution and find it in the manufacturers.

They have apps for petting an animated cat who purrs or a dog who farts, they have apps that name the song you're rocking out to when you can't place it, they have apps that tell me the cheapest gas prices in a freaking 50 km radius, and my favorite... an app that allows anyone anywhere to look at me in my backyard from space... (geeez, let's hope I'm sunning in something scanty and we'll just say punishment enough to those perpetrating eyes.)
Why the hell isn't there an app for not only finding your phone, but DISABLING IT AND RENDERING IT NO GOOD FOR TRANSFER OF OWNER when some lowlife steals it... Or better, when you lose it and the person who finds it and plans to sell it, answers your millionth call only to tell you to go fuck yourself on your own damn phone?? I'll tell you why... Phones are expensive if bought separately from a contract or plan. Like super expensive. My last blackberry torch... (which I detested by the way, in case you haven't read my rants about it)... was labelled at $749 clams. My new Android phone (that I love, mostly for its word prediction... hilarious) was $599 without a plan, but free with one; good thing I needed a plan. I even would've considered paying the average cost of $200 to cancel my service plan with my then provider, Rogers because it still would've been cheaper than buying the phone outright.

It occurs to me that, like how there won't be a cure for cancer until some other disease that makes more money comes along, there will never be an app like this because of the millions in lost revenue that it would lead to. (and yes my conspiracy theory is very alive this morning. If I'm not careful I may even convince myself that RIM, APPLE and other manufacturers actually employ some thievery specialists that go out into the world everyday with a quota of stolen phones to meet. Someone stop me.)

Kids loose mittens... let's give away new mittens but charge 500-700 for the handy connecting string. If they have their own string... they'll still have to buy a new one.

Duped again, and my only option is to rant about it here. Going to look for my phone